
Welcome to SafetyGard

Your Premier Glass and Aluminum Solution in Dubai!

 AT SAFETY GARD DUBAI, a premier Technical Services company in the UAE. Our technical expertise covers a wide variety of services such as glass and aluminium works, sound dampening, Upvc windows & doors, glass installation, soundproofing of existing windows & doors, mirrorGypsum partition, flooring, painting, ceiling works with supply and installation facility in UAE. With a team of highly qualified professionals, including Engineers, Designers, Consultants, Accountants, and skilled Workers, we excel in Aluminium facade works and Façade system installation, coupled with comprehensive Engineering and Projects Management.

Residential & Commercial Glass Installation

Our Services

SAFETY GARD Dubai provides a wide range of services, including glass and aluminium solutions, soundproofing, Upvc windows and doors, mirror installations, Gypsum partitioning, and more. Our team of experts guarantees top-quality outcomes for all your technical service requirements in the UAE

Improve the Appearance of Your Home

Our residential aluminum and glass installation services will provide you with a touch of elegance, charm and beauty to your home. Whether it’s your windows, doors, or even stained glass our experts will bring your vision to life.

Elevate your Commercial Space

Our commercial aluminium and glass installation services are the perfect choice for businesses looking to create a lasting impression. In our commercial space, we know the importance of aesthetics and functionality

Maintenance Service

SafetyGard offers comprehensive maintenance services to ensure that your glass installations are in excellent condition. We offer regular check-ups and repairs to ensure your glass always looks its best and unique.

Why Choose SafetyGard?


WE use the finest quality glass and aluminum products for durability and elegance.


Products designed to fit your unique style and needs.


Products designed to fit your unique style and needs.

Customer satisfaction

We have a proven track record of satisfied customers all over Dubai.

Book Installation and Maintenance Services

At SafetyGard, we don’t just install glass; We create experiences. We make your home cozy and your office look sharp. Let us embark on a journey together where your vision meets our craftsmanship in glass and aluminium. Contact us today to get started!

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